
At this page you find the latest votes concerning development. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.

Photo European Parliament
Vote title Issue Date
Rapport Joly A7-0315/2010 - § 6/3 Work of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in 2009 2010-11-23
Rapport Goerens A7-0285/2010 -....ution législative Financing instrument for development cooperation: Banana Accompanying Measures, ... 2010-10-21
Rapport De Keyser A7-0245/2010 - § 6/3 Health care systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Global Health 2010-10-07
Rapport De Keyser A7-0245/2010 - § 62 Health care systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Global Health 2010-10-07
Rapport De Keyser A7-0245/2010 - Résolution Health care systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Global Health 2010-10-07
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 7/1 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 7/2 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - AM 3 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 22/1 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 23/1 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 23/2 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 42/1 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 42/2 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 42/3 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
Rapport CASHMAN A7-0165/2010 - PAR 42/4 Progress towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals: mid-term re... 2010-06-15
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