
At this page you find the latest votes concerning development. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.

Photo European Parliament
Vote title Issue Date
A7-0206/2011 - Charles Goerens - Am 1 Future of EU budget support to developing countries 2011-07-05
A7-0206/2011 - Charles Goerens - § 11 Future of EU budget support to developing countries 2011-07-05
A7-0206/2011 - Charles Goerens - Résolution Future of EU budget support to developing countries 2011-07-05
A7-0205/2011 - Filip Kaczmarek - § 22/2 Increasing the impact of EU development policy 2011-07-05
A7-0205/2011 - Filip Kaczmarek - § 22/3 Increasing the impact of EU development policy 2011-07-05
A7-0205/2011 - Filip Kaczmarek - Résolution Increasing the impact of EU development policy 2011-07-05
A7-0018/2011 - Eva Joly - Vote unique EC/South Africa Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation: amending the 19... 2011-02-15
A7-0009/2011 - Charles Goerens - Am 1 Financing instrument for development cooperation: Banana Accompanying Measures, ... 2011-02-03
A7-0006/2011 - Gay Mitchell - Am 1 External actions: financing instrument for development cooperation (amend. Regul... 2011-02-03
A7-0375/2010 - Michèle Striffler - § 9 Implementation of the European consensus on humanitarian aid: the mid-term revie... 2011-01-18
A7-0375/2010 - Michèle Striffler - § 13/1 Implementation of the European consensus on humanitarian aid: the mid-term revie... 2011-01-18
A7-0375/2010 - Michèle Striffler - § 13/2 Implementation of the European consensus on humanitarian aid: the mid-term revie... 2011-01-18
A7-0375/2010 - Michèle Striffler - § 31 Implementation of the European consensus on humanitarian aid: the mid-term revie... 2011-01-18
A7-0375/2010 - Michèle Striffler - § 32 Implementation of the European consensus on humanitarian aid: the mid-term revie... 2011-01-18
Rapport Zanicchi A7-0332/2010 - Vote unique Setting up an EU rapid response capability 2010-12-14
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