Resolutions/not categorized

At this page you find the latest votes concerning resolutions/not categorized. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.
Vote title Issue Date
RC-B7-0137/2010 - Traité de no....lifération - AM 3 Resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2010-03-10
RC-B7-0137/2010 - Traité de no....ration - PAR 16/1 Resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2010-03-10
RC-B7-0137/2010 - Traité de no....ration - PAR 16/2 Resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2010-03-10
RC-B7-0137/2010 - Traité de no....ration - CONS G/1 Resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2010-03-10
RC-B7-0137/2010 - Traité de no....ration - CONS G/2 Resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2010-03-10
Ordre des travaux - demande d'.... de la Commission Ordre des travaux - demande d'inscription d'une déclaration de la Commission 2010-03-08
B7-0118/2010 - Pékin + 15 - pl....de l'ONU - PAR 10 Beijing +15 - UN Platform for Action for Gender Equality 2010-02-25
RC-B7-0093/2010 - Vénézuela - RÉSOLUTION Resolution on Venezuela 2010-02-11
RC-B7-0105/2010 - Birmanie - RÉSOLUTION Resolution on Burma 2010-02-11
RC-B7-0072/2010 - Tremblement ....en Haïti - AM 2/1 Resolution on the recent earthquake in Haiti 2010-02-10
RC-B7-0072/2010 - Tremblement ....en Haïti - AM 2/2 Resolution on the recent earthquake in Haiti 2010-02-10
RC-B7-0072/2010 - Tremblement ....aïti - RÉSOLUTION Resolution on the recent earthquake in Haiti 2010-02-10
RC-B7-0078/2010 - Situation en Iran - VISA 4 Resolution on Iran 2010-02-10
B7-0029/2010 - Traite des êtres humains - AM 2 Resolution on preventing trafficking in human beings 2010-02-10
B7-0029/2010 - Traite des être....PARA 15, TIRET 1) Resolution on preventing trafficking in human beings 2010-02-10
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