Resolutions/not categorized

At this page you find the latest votes concerning resolutions/not categorized. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.
Vote title Issue Date
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement ....on de CO2 - AM 10 Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement ....ion de CO2 - AM 5 Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement ....on de CO2 - AM 18 Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement ....ion de CO2 - AM 2 Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement ....on de CO2 - AM 3S Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
B7-0148/2010 - Investissement .... CO2 - RÉSOLUTION Resolution on investing in the development of low carbon technologies, SET-Plan 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te....en Europe - AM 10 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te.... en Europe - AM 7 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te.... en Europe - AM 8 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te....en Europe - AM 12 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te.... en Europe - AM 2 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te.... en Europe - AM 3 Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0139/2010 - Madère et te....rope - RÉSOLUTION Resolution on the natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the e... 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0171/2010 - Le cas de Gilad Shalit - AM 6 Resolution on Gilad Shalit 2010-03-11
RC-B7-0171/2010 - Le cas de Gilad Shalit - AM 1 Resolution on Gilad Shalit 2010-03-11
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