Industry, Research and Energy

At this page you find the latest votes concerning industry, research and energy. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.
Vote title Issue Date
A7-0214/2011 - Romana Jordan Cizelj - Am 120 Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste: EU legal framework 2011-06-23
A7-0214/2011 - Romana Jordan Cizelj - Am 19 Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste: EU legal framework 2011-06-23
A7-0151/2011 - Gunnar Hökmark - Am 20/1 Radio spectrum policy: first programme 2011-05-11
A7-0151/2011 - Gunnar Hökmark - Am 20/2 Radio spectrum policy: first programme 2011-05-11
A7-0151/2011 - Gunnar Hökmark - Am 69/1 Radio spectrum policy: first programme 2011-05-11
A7-0151/2011 - Gunnar Hökmark - Am 69/2 Radio spectrum policy: first programme 2011-05-11
A7-0151/2011 - Gunnar Hökmark ....ution législative Radio spectrum policy: first programme 2011-05-11
A7-0039/2011 - Giles Chicheste....ution législative European Network and Information Security Agency ENISA: duration (amend. Regulat... 2011-03-24
A7-0001/2011 - Ivo Belet - Proposition modifiée Case of nuclear accident or other radiological emergency: maximum permitted leve... 2011-02-15
A7-0001/2011 - Ivo Belet - Résolution législative Case of nuclear accident or other radiological emergency: maximum permitted leve... 2011-02-15
Rapport Bendtsen A7-0331/2010 - § 5 Revision of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-12-15
Rapport Bendtsen A7-0331/2010 - Am 1 Revision of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-12-15
Rapport Bendtsen A7-0331/2010 - § 82/2 Revision of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-12-15
Rapport Bendtsen A7-0331/2010 - Considérant K Revision of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-12-15
Rapport Bendtsen A7-0331/2010 - Résolution Revision of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-12-15
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