International Trade

At this page you find the latest votes concerning international trade. The votes are ordered by date of vote in the European Parliament. If you are looking for a specific vote you might want to try the search function.
Vote title Issue Date
A7-0002/2011 - Francesca Balza....ution législative EU/Latin American countries Geneva Agreement and EU/US Agreement: trade in bananas 2011-02-03
A7-0003/2011 - Francesca Balzani - Am 1 Trade in bananas: tariff rates (repeal. Regulation (EC) No 1964/2005) 2011-02-03
A7-0003/2011 - Francesca Balza....position modifiée Trade in bananas: tariff rates (repeal. Regulation (EC) No 1964/2005) 2011-02-03
A7-0003/2011 - Francesca Balza....ution législative Trade in bananas: tariff rates (repeal. Regulation (EC) No 1964/2005) 2011-02-03
A7-0371/2010 - Yannick Jadot - Vote unique EU/Cameroon Voluntary Partnership Agreement: forest law enforcement, governance ... 2011-01-19
Rapport Saïfi A7-0312/2010 - Vote unique Human rights, social and environmental standards in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
Rapport Jadot A7-0310/2010 - § 24 International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives 2010-11-25
Rapport Jadot A7-0310/2010 - § 38 International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives 2010-11-25
Rapport Jadot A7-0310/2010 - § 71/2 International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives 2010-11-25
Rapport Jadot A7-0310/2010 - Résolution International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives 2010-11-25
Rapport Désir A7-0317/2010 - § 3 Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
Rapport Désir A7-0317/2010 - § 4 Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
Rapport Désir A7-0317/2010 - § 25 Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
Rapport Désir A7-0317/2010 - § 34 Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
Rapport Désir A7-0317/2010 - Résolution Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements 2010-11-25
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