EU data API

- Get access to our collection of EP-data in XML

At this page we give you the raw data used at It's Your Parliament. The data is structured using simple XML markup and contains information on voting records of members of the European Parliament from 2004 to March 2025. The API is free to use, we'd be happy to get a link back to our site. For terms of use and additional EU data, see our API for EU legislation.

Latest data in our database is from 2014, for newer data we recommend parltrack.euwiki.org as a source.

Photo European Parliament
Your key

Votes by year: (data update is on its way!)

MEP by id

Votes of MEP

Policy areas (links to lists of votes within each policy area)

Vote by id

Select country


Access data from the 5th parliamentary term (2004-2009)
Your key

Votes by year:

MEP by id

Vote by id

Select country
Pether Sörling who used to run the Swedish site "Riksdagsmonitor" has provided XML shemes (XSD:s) and some Java-classes that will be usefull if you are programming Java.
Buhl & Rasmussen